“Kiranya Engkau sekarang berkenan memberkati keluarga hamba-Mu ini, supaya tetap ada di hadapan-Mu untuk selama-lamanya. Sebab apa yang Engkau berkati, ya TUHAN, diberkati untuk selama-lamanya.”
(1 Tawarikh 17:27)
Bride & Groom
God makes everything beautiful in its time.
Beautiful when He brings together, beautiful when He grows love, and beautiful when He unites us in a bond of Holy Marriage
For your wishes and prayers for us, we thank you very much.
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Chris & Fina
It will be a joy for us if you are able to attend on our wedding day. Thank you for all the kind words, prayers, and attention given. See you on our wedding day!
Web Invitation by : DC DIGITAL MANADO Organized by RD-ONE Organizer